Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Washi Tape

First, you might be wondering "what exactly is washi tape?" Washi tape originated in Japan. Washi is actually a type of paper that is made using fibers from the bark of the gampi tree. The tape reminds me of a combination of masking and painters tape. It comes in fantastic colors and designs and is easily removable.

Our apartment has some less than attractive features. Today we're highlighting the light switch covers. They're old and ugly. That about sums it up. I'm going to use washi tape to add some pizzazz.

Here is what we are working with:

lightswitch plateac

Use the side of the plate or any markings on the plate to line up your tape.

 When you get to a corner, cut the the corners of the tape with a scissors (above) so it can fold over neatly as shown below:

You'll be taping right over the switch openings. Very carefully, cut an "X" in the opening to create four flaps that you can fold inwards.

Mount your plate and enjoy!

(Of course this pattern has cats on it... did you expect anything different?)

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