1 bag of marshmallows
2 Tbsp butter
Any fun extras like mini M&Ms, sprinkles, nuts, caramel drizzle, sea salt, etc
Melt chocolate and butter. This can be done either in a double broiler or microwave at 50% power (defrost). I prefer the microwave version, just be sure to use in a microwave safe bowl, as the chocolate gets pretty hot. Be sure to stir often. These pictures were taken every minute or so.
Special note: be sure not a drop of water gets in your mixture. I learned this lesson the hard way when I was making chocolate peacocks for Hannah's wedding in 2010. Water and the heated chocolate reacts somehow and clumplifies (technical term) the chocolate. It looks and tastes awful. So your bowl, and mixing utensils, everything should be DRY. In my case, the handle of the spoon I was using had water in it, and dropped into the mixture and messed it all up. That chocolate went to the garbage, rather than into the peacock mold...
Special note: be sure not a drop of water gets in your mixture. I learned this lesson the hard way when I was making chocolate peacocks for Hannah's wedding in 2010. Water and the heated chocolate reacts somehow and clumplifies (technical term) the chocolate. It looks and tastes awful. So your bowl, and mixing utensils, everything should be DRY. In my case, the handle of the spoon I was using had water in it, and dropped into the mixture and messed it all up. That chocolate went to the garbage, rather than into the peacock mold...
Add marshmallows and mix gently to coat
Here's where you can go classy or not. The original directions call to spread in a 9x9 pan and refrigerate. When it hardens, you cut into cute little squares and they look fab. Or you can do this:
I was inspired to skip the cutting step and make little marshmallow bark cookies of sort. But let's not split hairs: they look like deer poop. I swear they taste fabulous, despite their scat-like appearance.
BUT! I got creative and thought sprinkles would make them festive and less waste-ful (get it?).
Eh. Not so much. Looks like Rudolph poop. This might be fun for kids or something. Next time, I'll stick to the pan!