Thursday, November 29, 2012

We bought a house!

After many months of waiting, we finally have a house!

Husband and I put in an offer back in June, but it was a short sale (IMO, a horrible name for this type of transaction because as we learned, they are so rarely "short"). In October we got word that we are final, and would close in November. Finally on November 15, we were handed our keys!

In just 14 long days, we've made significant progress on the house, special thanks to our fabulous family, including my dear partner in crime here, Hannah. I'm preparing that picture post now, look for it coming next week! For now, check out the long list of "what we've done in 14 days."

Tore out 1400 sq ft of nasty carpet
Destroyed a dilapidated basement kitchen
Removed a ton of ugly wallpaper
Filled 30 yds of dumpster with said carpet, kitchen, fencing, edging, wallpaper and other refuse left in the home
Gave away two yard swings (thanks, Craigslist!) 
Raked and hauled two years's worth of leaves in the front and back yard
Removed a rotten treehouse
Cut down and evaluated overgrown shrubberies
Mowed the lawn one last time before winter
Repaired walls damaged by wallpaper and bad workmanship
Primed two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, living room, long hallway and tall entry
Painted two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, living room, long hallway and tall entry
Primed and painted all of the trim upstairs
Primed and painted 5 closets 
Bought new appliances
Selling old appliances (thanks, Craigslist!)
Cleaned windows, bathroom, kitchen and hardwood flooring
(I'm sure I missed a ton of other things, so for now, I write "LOTS OF OTHER STUFF")

And finally, packed and moved our entire two bedroom apartment to the basement for now, since we moved before the carpet came. Carpet was installed on Tuesday, and we've been slowly organizing and reorganizing to make it home. Hoping to be sleeping there tonight! Hooray!

Special special special thanks to our family to make this happen. There was no way we could have done this without their dedication. We owe all of them pizza, and help when they move, paint and have yard work. LOVE!

(By the way, we've been working our day jobs this entire time, too. SO most of this happened on weekends and evenings...)
Promises for more pics to come!



  1. Houses are a ton of work but the seat equity is so worth it. Be careful though, after all that hard work you will NEVER want to move again. Ever. I can't wait to see pictures!

  2. Trust me, I'm already saying "We are never moving again!" It's totally worth it because it looks amazing with the paint and carpet now, but it took a LOT of work... :)
